About OpenHentai

To contact us

Contact us at the following email address : contact@openhentai.org

Useful informations

We do not collect any information about our customers and we not use Google Analytics.
You can view and download manga for free and without limit.
A mobile application allows you greater mobility and ease of access to our website.
For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us by email.

What are hentai manga?

Hentai are manga for pornographic purposes, it brings together a set of genres that you can find on our site such as paizuri, teitoku or netorare.
They are originally from Japan mainly, there are also animated versions of these manga.
In 2018 hentai was the second most searched category on the pornhub site.
There are also more than 1,300 anime hentai listed on My Anime List.

What is doujin manga?

The dōjin or doujin are manga made by amateurs who often take up famous manga such as One Piece, Naruto or Fairy Tail.
But they are not exclusively manga, there are also music, novels or video games.